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Overwhelming support for LUOCOME from Nyakach Elders Cultural Development Group , Augustine Mumma Odongo

Thanks for the bright initiative. I am fully agreed and wish to do even more. For sometime I have been trying to set up such an agenda for my village but my efforts have been watered down by petty jealousies, corruption, malice, dishonesty and over dependency.

Like last year we organized a school harambee at which I donated a considerable amount of money. My friends from the same village who also have fairly well paying jobs and businesses conspired and only gave pledges which they have not honored up to date. My efforts to push them have been met with " You are the one who has nothing to do with his money and you can donate more".

Recently this year we organized a prize giving day for schools based on performance in last year's exams. I sent several books, equipment and sets thru the local assistant chief. I have been dismayed to learn that these items never served their purpose and instead were distributed within his family and others sold. I am tired with my people.

Peter Otieno

Oyawore jokanyanam,

It my pleasure to take this moment my sincere love and pride of being born a Luo.Iam Otieno Michael "Akang'o Jarateng Wang" A patriotic young luo man in a university.Thanks for your email,i swear it has come at the right time.

I have much but i can't xpress them to you now,but in as much as we shall be communicating 'wa biro wacho mathoth.

I have a youth CBO yet to be introduced to you soon "THE VICTORIA TIGERS" in Homabay.

Please be contacting me through that email adress and connect me with as many people as possible with the same idielogy of changing the society as me.


This is a good initiative and thought that you have come up with. I do not want to sound so pessimistic as i want to dwell in the past performance. We the Luo community have been known to be of self-interest alone and we usually do not want to be associated with the rest of the community who have for one reason or another been left behind: economically or academically. I have experienced this from even very close relatives and once upon a time close friends. My success has also been largely influenced positively by the so called non-Luos even where assistance could have come from a Luo. Some of my benefactors have also pointed out to me some of the Luos who could help but sadly enough, they did not want. I am far away from that. In my own very small way I have influenced the hiring of a few Luos who I believe deserve and motivated if not given outright assistance to them so as to climb up the academic ladder.
I only hope that we could change our attitude and embrace the culture of self-help (as a community) where we help jump-start our people in order to have a larger successful community. Two-prong approach would be to help at individual level or at a collective level. Back at the rural, many community self-help initiatives have died out of sheer demotivation, irresponsible management etc. We could start by assessing and reviewing the collapsed initiatives and find out what could have made them die and then put in corrective measures, if need be.
Otherwise, I support the initiative and hope we will not be selfish enough to look at what we gain as individuals but as a community.
Thanks and regards,

Herbert Dola

This is good idea, but to get some highlights there some of us who can't travel a lot because we are at school and such expense of traveling back and forth for such meeting are luxurious, so please let us or me know how this can happen on line. Is a good ideal as the world is heading to a cooperate aspect we need each other to fight small prolonged problems of our loved ones.

George Opudo

Thanks alot wuon Odundo.

I am a Nyar Nyakach, kamoro ni Ramogi. A very wasted part of our community where we have wonderful natural geographical features. This is within Nyabondo Plateu. We have wonderful things there owada, not being marketed but can be a wonderful tourist attraction. We have wonderful caves man nyaka gi pi and people are now harvesting nyaka ei got kama ong'eche ketho malich.

Pleas can we work together to expose these wonderful things in our community. If you are up the plateu, you have a very beautiful view down the hill towards the lake and even vehicles moving on on the Oyugis - Kisumu highway and Katito Kendio.

I look forward to the SUCCESS OF LUOCOME.



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