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Overwhelming support for LUOCOME from Nyakach Elders Cultural Development Group

Amosou ahinya. Wagoyo ni Ruoth Nyasaye erokamano kuom mich mar ngima.
Bende wamedo erokamano kuom riwou kod Mr.Odundo ma wuod Kisumu.
Mad a Nyasachwa med donjo e chuny jowa mond ginen, to moloyo jowa maoseyudo tiegruok mad ang’e wach maber mar Ruoth Nyasaye to gi mar yawo wang’ oganda wa.

Parona ema:
- “Nimondo jowa oyud chiemo kaka oganda kik walalre ne telo”.
To wayie kendo wati matek e yudo konyruok ne jowa. Telo obi mos kaopayo maoriere.
Esani wan jotich Luo Elders Cultural Development Group.Kawadhi kaka wadhini to wang’ jowa biro yawore magine kuma piny dhiye, to gi kaka diwayud konyruok.
Dongo ogandama odak e piny ma Nyasaye no chweyo dwaro dhi mos eka ji diyud konyruok.
Onge yo nyaka ji nolem magidogi ir Nyasaye kendo gine adiera nika gi tiyo matek to Nyasaye emanyalo konyogi.
Andikoni ka Jaduong mar Jo Nyakach bende Patron mar gi nimomdo Dongo odonji e Nyakach kaluwore gi kitgi.
“Nyakach Elders Cultural Development Group”.
“Duol mar Duond Jodong Nyakach kaluwore gi Kitgi mondo okel dongruok ei gi” Dakwayou kuom yie maru ni mondo kapok wajiwo yiero telo to vision marwa obed maler ka kawasewacho kodi pile. Adiera Nyasaye kende emabiro golo ogandawa e chandruok walare.
To kik walarre. Yore thoth kaka dikel dongruok ei Ogandawa.
Mokuongo ber mondo wang’e Sigand jowa ka giwuok Egypt , Sudan magi chopo e Ethipia, Uganda Kenya Kod Tanzania .
Bende onego wapenjre ni to Ramogi Ajwang’ Nyasaye nene Owuoyogo mondo ogolwa kuro nango’?
Miyo “Vision” mare to en ni ne nitie wach mano miyo ogolowa kuro.Wachno ema nyaka waket e paro oganda wa eka di wayud kwo.
“Maeni eyo Walem kendo wati matek ”.
Dhoot ka Dhoot eganda wa obed gi Patron achiel kaka jo Nyakach osetimo.
Gibed gi Supreme Council
Gibed gi Governing Council
Gibed gi Executive Council
Gibed gi General Assembly
Edhood no obedie.

Elder Cultural Development Group
Professional Development Group
Women Development Group
Youth Development Group
Ni mondo eiwa wawegi nyaka “Power Devolve” mondo okel freedom ei oganda konchakore e nyithindo nyaka jodongo.
Jowa omany anena mondo wange’re ka wapogo maler
(1) Joluo manyikwa Ramogi Ajwang’ maok ochuno ni giwuok kuom Ramogi Jadolo
(2) Joluo ma o wuok e nyithind Ramogi Jadolo, mabende gin Nyakwa Ramogi Ajwang’
Watwe mana okanda wanie yo.
Larruok nyalo miyo ogandawa med kier.
Lemo gi tich matek emadwarore. Wating’o gimaber madhi konyo ogandawa.

What we require is anonymous Unity and solidarity of purpose.
- That unity ought to recognize the devolution of service to our community through the following stages:-
i) Origin- Anyuola
ii) Clan- Libamba
iii) Cluster- Dhoot e.g (Nyakach)
iv) Tribe- Oganda (Luo)
At each of the above stages the following forms a strong functioning cultural socio-economic base thus:
1. Elders group
2. Professionals section
3. Women section
4. Youth Section
This is to install and bestow upon the community complete awareness that:-
Ramogi Ajwang’ was chosen by God and found a responsibility to remove the flock from Sudan to the area around Lake Victoria ;
- As the sole and only way for our tribe to have survival.
- Because there was enough water from various rivers and the lake.
- This was a necessity for not only agriculture as the cornerstone to food security, was available.
- But all the appropriate environmental creation.
- That if properly tapped would land our tribe in cultural socio- economic development.
- Because that was achieved we have the true way towards eradicating in our community. The following enemies our time thus: -
i) Ignorance
ii) Disease
iii) Poverty
Nyasaye ogwedhu mondo jowa oresre; kendo ogow loka cha.
Let us hope that by the time we host the major conference to this effect worldwide at Jom Foundation Angogoremo Sigoti Community Art centre, should find when “Dhoot ka Dhoot” around the Lake Victoria each has a Patron to promote the Cultural Socio-Economic Development in our community.

Always at your service
Augustine Mumma Odongo
Patron Nyakach Elders Cultural Development Group.


Ka in gi mari moro ma di wandik ka to orni
Akelo nyar Kager,        jaluo@jaluo.com
Daher winjo dwondi in bende, iwinjo?


Inyalo oro twak kod weche manyien ne: Mig. Ajos wuod Atiga

GALAMORO : Riwruok mar JOLUO e Piny Ngima, orwaku uduto mondo ubed e kanyakla mar burani. Ornwa nyingi gi nondi kaka obedo. Riwruok e teko joka Nyanam. 




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