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King’ori Oyanyo Joluo!

The entire Luo Fraternity-at home and in diaspora, Nyar Kager/Wuon Abila and any other person(s) who might be reading the articles posted on [Jaluo Dot Kom]

It leaves us wonder who came up with the idea of posting articles written in English or any other languages other than that depicted by the URL jaluo or any of its dialects.

We have been insulted more than once - not only by Kingori but even by fellow Luos who have been posting articles written in English on this portal - me included as of today!

Today I have to succumb to what is called “force over area” to write this language English to disapprove the claims that Kingori has put on this noble website. This “Ekindusii” has degraded the entire Luo and our leadership system.

I would refer this “Okuyu” and any other persons with baseless ideas to the Holy Writs. The Isralites had Moses as their advisor. They stuck by him at all cost even if it were death. And those who opposed him likewise had the same repercussions - Kora, Dathan and Abiram were swallowed by the earth before the people of Israel. Unlike Kikuyu tribe where you belong your drive has been money. There is no tribe in Kenya which promotes a clear cut leadership system like Luos. Our leadership demands honesty which not even money can buy - no wonder when we walked out of the previous governments we have been branded names ranging from “jok nochue gi lop ongoro”, residues, wanderers, etc.

Specifically “Your Kikuyu tribe, you Kingori” using the Government machinery, has oppressed the Luos. Oginga was locked out by Kenyatta, whom he helped ascend to power. Mboya was killed by no one other than a Kikuyu, Mbai was Killed by your brothers… and your fellow tribesmen ended up killing your own, J.M. Kariuki when he failed to ascribe to the powers that was? Why then did you kill him? And when we stick to our principles you say that we follow someone called Raila.

Whatever you put or call it, be informed that Raila has not on any single day forced any Luo or any other Kenyan to follow him. Raila follows what we want - communicated to him through the office of “Ker mar Luo”

Please Kingori, I would advice you to start a [Kikuyu dot Kom] where you can put all these nonsense of yours and invite people to contribute there. The Luos are no lesser human beings as you put it on this article.

The Biblical Lucifer fell due to pride. And in as much as this same sickness has infected you, you are bound to fall. The entire Israel had to suffer because of the sins one Akan (Achan), who stole what was captured from Jericho that fell. Because of your pride, the leadership of Kibaki and Mount Kenya Mafia can fall in a day. Remember, passing bills in parliament has been very difficult since the Luos walked out of the Government. Both Governments have needed the Luos.

Moi had to hire the services of Dalmas Otieno and Ndolo Ayah after the first multiparty elections… and even form a pact with Ford Kenya. Later he had to hire the services of Raila Odinga, Adhu Awiti, Peter Odoyo and Orwa - which rendered opposition baseless. What of Kibaki? Why then Tuju is still there? And even Kenyatta still had to hire services of the likes of Odero Jowi, Onyango Ayodo etc

To my fellow brothers the Luos - from loka Siaya nyaka nyanza ma milambo kik Luouro maku…. Par uru ni kane Nehemiah Gero hekalu Jerusalem (Hekalu mokwongo mane Ruoth Solomon ogero ne jo-Babulon oketho) jomoko ne obuogogi ni wasigu biro… to chir mar Nehemia kod jipo mane ojiwogodo jii ne omiyo gitieko tich. Kingori kik buogwa. Wachiegni tieko tich mana ka wachike e nying Yesu mondo owe buogo yawa moluor. Nyaka watwe okanda nikech lweny pek

Ne wuon abila:
Dwani wabed gi editorial team mabiro chungo weche makelo anjawo ne oganda Luo e yor mbuyi. Paro mane wachakogo mbuyini lal kendo olokore alap mar ayany, akwede, ndhogruok to gi mamoko maricho. Nyaka watang nikech RICHO KELO CHIRA

Another idea wanyalo loso strictly members area where such abusive articles like this one can be put for those who wish to waste time reading it.

Awuoyo gi lit mathoth e chunya!

Jagoro En Arreddo Nyang
Nyanganga at yAhOo Dot Kom



Akelo nyar Kager, jaluo@jaluo.com




GALAMORO : Riwruok mar JOLUO e Piny Ngima, orwaku uduto mondo ubed e kanyakla mar burani. Ornwa nyingi gi nondi kaka obedo. Riwruok e teko joka Nyanam. 




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