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THE CONCEPT: Rachuonyo Leadership and Development Forum

 Messages from The Convenner           Jamumbo Maurice Aguko Mayora
I think in all honesty that you have finally find it a relief that on the 7th April 2007 youths, leaders, professionals and the rayal commonners from Rachuonyo District will gather at the Nyadendis Hotel in Oyugis from 10:00am, to discuss the need to transform what have been no more than a back-room village that has been dwelling in a nights of silent  mystries into a formidable debating community.It is however, our pride that from millions of men in Rachuonyo District a number of them have stepped forward with a podistic force to form a granite principles from wavering idea-region of broad masses to take the struggle for their sole correctness.They have resolved to ensure that from a shifting waves of a free -thought society there will arise a brazen cliff of solid unity in faith and in deeds.It has started to sprout in the mind of our people a development shrewdness that has enable them to see with amazing clarity the strengths and the weaknesses of a contemporary Rachuuonyo. Our major objective is to transform our community into a marvellous example of an empire that is ready to rise from the foundation of pure strategic development policies and informed leadership which will definately enable us to determine the form of life in Kasipul and Karachuonyo for the next thousands of years. I would however wish to pay you homage once again J othurwa for sacrifising your time and resources in contributing happily in the development issues of Rachuonyo Community . On behalf of Jom umbo and Jokaduon'g ...kindly accept my heartfelt thanks.....One day posterity will also thank you.
The protective providence places you and I over and above the New Forces  of our community.In this godless- World of sceptism and desparation, it is only Unity and only our Unitythat will give our people faith, certain and hope of the future.
Long live the rayal men and women of Rachuonyo ma woud Jok the political power house of the Luo land and the rayal breed of the entire Luo Community from Sudan to the middle East  Today I pray! May the old spirit of this celebrated shrine of Rachuonyo  permeate the generation of today and libarate us from selfishness and political strifes and bring us togather in a socio- economic and cultural self consciousness to a blessed , free, proud and a peaceful  Rachuonyo United  in herself.We must therefore consolidate freedom and caltivate peace within our area even if we are faced by a difficult socio- economic and political situation.The political process jothurwa, should not make us act like enemies against our fellow brothers and sisters, but should just help us to realise the trains of thought wisely and carefully and the stream of politics Must be guided into a safe channel of issues affecting the community and the society at large.Such issues include but are not limited to the one listed herebellow, they are; 
  • Falling academic standard in Rachuonyo and Nyanza as a whole.
  • Rising cases of HIV/AIDS ophans and related complications.
  • Dilapidated Health facilities.
  • Increase insecurity
  • Reduction in farm produce.
  • Impoverished infrastructure.
  • High unemployment rate.
  • High exploitation of environment.
  • Water problem in some part of the District.
  • Bad  Leaderhip e.tc
We are happy that the various responces that we recieved from the people from Rachuonyo were very encouraging, each one of them have expressed more than his/her own pain, they have named the need of the whole generation searching into a confused longing for men and women from malnutration to common domestic violence . they have remain otherwise honest in their volcanic gentlemen eraptions of human passions and emotional sentiments that seemed stired either by cruel goddess of distress or by firebrand of words hurled among the masses, not the lemonade-like out pouring of literary aesthetes nor from a drawing board  tactics based on the precise calculations of human weakness. No...No..No...In Rachuonyo we value our people regardless of their status in the society we are all equal in matters of socio-economic cultural and political development.
In considaration to the issues our people have raised, it is impossible to escape the conclusion THAT after the meeting on 7th the following Goals shall be achieved;
  • The past and its shabbiness, loneliness and disappointments of the whole community must remain in the shadow.
  • The needy from Rachuonyo will proove themselves worthy of any benevolence from their leaders and professionals and the government.
  • There will be need for our people to prioritise action over rhetoric.
  • The resposibility of developing a community will not be a preserve of the professionals and leaders alone, but should be all in-clusive, that will implies that every one has a duty,responcibilty and a role to play in a society.
  • There will be perpatual need for our people to have such a forum as the Rachuonyo Leadership and Development Forum. to catalyse development matters in our District.
  • There will arise the need for the Rachuonyo people both Lacally and Internationally to apply a systemetic approaches and have a co-ordinated network to bring back the development in the community.
PART TWO:  Other Details
Consolidating and Cultivating Unity in Diversity,Embracing Leadership and Professional values, Forging Partnership with members of the Community and Development Partners to Promote Knowledge Based Interventions to Inform, Plan and Catalyse Rural Development in the District.
We the people of Rachuonyo regardless of our status in the community have a mandate to discussLEADERSHIPAND DEVELOPMENT IN OUR COMMUNITY AND SOCIETY.
Subject of Dicussion:
LEADERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT:The Forum will discuss this underlined topic in three parts as tentatively structured in the sub-joined tipics hereunder:
First session: 1and 1/2 hr 
The roles of the youths and the commoners in Leadership and Development in the Community,
Topical issues
 Their roles in leaderhip, communty service, political campaign, agriculture, education, poverty eradication programme etc
Second session: 2hrs
Roles , responsibilty of the professionals in Leadership and Development in the Community.
Topical issues
Their roles as community models, potential leaders,national responsibility,volunteers in the community service etc.
Third session 2hrs
Roles,responsibility and duties of politicians in Leadership and Development in the comnmunity.
Topical issues
Political party policy, roles of councillors, members of parliaments,political party leaders
PART THREE: Budgetary Need
Considering the big number of people that have confirmed their attendance that include a good number of Jorachounyo from abroad. The convenners wish to request for SUPPORT from you both in cash and in kind.Therefore we appeal for you to giv sponsor for;
  • Hiring the meeting hall
  • Hiring th PA system
  • Printing the programme
  • Buying writting materials
  • Buying decoration and poters
  • Buying credit cards
  • Paying radio annoucement
  • Paying tranport
  • Paying for Lunch
  • Paying for soft drinks 
Budget Summary& Break Down  
Meeting Hall hire                                        2000
PA system                                                  2500
Printing programme & cards                    5500
Radio announcement                                2500
Writting materials                                      1500
Decoraton                                                  2000
Credit card                                                 2000
Transport                                                    6000
Lunch (200*200)                                      40000
Soft Drinks(200*6O)                               12000
Contegencies                                             4000
Total Amount required                                   80000
                 (Eighty thouand shillings only)
N/B Anyone willing  to support this important meeting by donating toward the above may contact us through my address given bellow this attachment
PART FOUR:Name of the Dishtinguished Royal sons & doughters of  Rachuonyo Expected to Attend the Forum
  1. Abila Dr.
  2. Abila James
  3. Abonyo Justus Nyan’gaya
  4. Achola Elijah Omolo
  5. Adipo Okuome
  6. Adhu Paul Awiti Hon.
  7. Adongo Charles Bugo
  8. Agak Pro
  9. Aguko Eng.
  10. Aguko Jamumbo Maurice
  11. Agutu Jack Nduri
  12. Ahenda Patrick Odero
  13. Akach Samwel Pro.
  14. Aketch Joe
  15. Akoko Jacob
  16. Akongo Anyango Dr
  17. Aluoch Opar Pr
  18. Akuno Pro
  19. Akuoro Gordon
  20. Alego James Hongo
  21. Al Rege Dr.
  22. Amadi Dan Eng.
  23. Amayo Pro
  24. Amonde Kisera
  25. Amolo Ojijo
  26. Amuti Fred Omondi
  27. Amwoyo Aggrey Abaga Dr.
  28. Amwoyo Ken Mbago Eng.
  29. Amwoyo Seth Odoyo
  30. Amwoyo Tom Ochieng
  31. Aoko Alfred Nam
  32. Apuko Onono
  33. Apunda Elmad
  34. Aria Hesbon
  35. Aroka John Kaudo
  36. Aroka Pro.
  37. Aroko Jared Jom
  38. Arum Edwin
  39. Arum George Om ondi
  40. Arunga Bob Dr.
  41. Aseda Joel Mola
  42. Aseko George
  43. Asinjo Nick Ondiek
  44. Awino Douglas Ogolla Dr.
  45. Awino Devline Chianda
  46. Awino Tom Okoko Eng.
  47. Awiti Lazaro Pro.
  48. Awiti Cyprian Otieno
  49. Awuor Bob Nyachar
  50. Ayodo Jack OmondI
  51. Ayodo Modi Dr.
  52. Ayoma George
  53. Awendo Benson Onyango
  54. Bango James Omuga
  55. B olo Dr.
  56. Dulo Elijah Magak
  57. Dola Tom Maira
  58. Ezra Larry Gumbe
  59. Gaya Julius
  60. Janam Fredi 
  61. Kajwang’ Martin
  62. Kokello John
  63. Kojwang Julias
  64. Kopere Tom
  65. Kungu Philip Eng
  66. Liech Sylvester
  67. Luande Derrick Mehta
  68. Mambo Richard
  69. Matibe Shem Nyakoyo
  70. Matunga Jahn Mireri
  71. Mboga Joshua Otieno 
  72. Mboga Odiwuor
  73. Mboga Paul Otieno
  74. Mbori James Ezekiel Yogo Hon.
  75. Mbuya Daniiel Rachuonyo Amb
  76. Mireri Caleb Dr.
  77. Mwalo Joash
  78. Ngoge Jasper
  79. Ng’wena Gideon Dr.
  80. Ng’wena Jerry Dr.
  81. Ng'wena Nashon Ogado
  82. Nyakomita Ken
  83. Nyandega MzeePro.
  84. Nyan'ginja Tom Akello
  85. Nyonje Collins Omondi
  86. Obala Luke Mitayi Eng.
  87. Obara Eve Dr.
  88. Obondo Hezron Nyiego
  89. Obudho Joel
  90. Obuna Deya Pro.
  91. Obuon Bernard Odhiambo
  92. Obure Phillippe
  93. Oburu Rariwi Dr.
  94. Ochako Lawi Oloo
  95. Ochangi Erick Otieno
  96. Ochillo Samwel Onyango
  97. Ochiel Nelson Oyuer
  98. Ochieng Arthur Mbori
  99. Ochieng Manase Miruka
  100. Ochieng' Kenneth Ogembo
  101. Ochieng Shadrack Oketch
  102. Ochieng Seth Oyugi
  103. Ochieng Seth Ogal
  104. Ochieng Thomas Riaga
  105. Ochieng' Walter Aoko
  106. Ochola Elias
  107. Ocholla Phares Dr.
  108. Odada Peter Sumba
  109. Odak Argwens Kodhek 
  110. Odak Richard Odak
  111. Odede Erick Nyakiti
  112. Odera James Eng.
  113. Odera James Eng.
  114. Odira Meshack Okeyo
  115. Odingo Odak
  116. Odiyo  Martin Dr.
  117. Odiwour Jasper Ngoge
  118. Odiwour Timothy Okello
  119. Odhiambo  Benson MackOwiti
  120. Odhiambo Emannuel
  121. Odhiambo Fred Ndede Dr.
  122. Ohiambo Jared Ogayo
  123. Ododa Origa Dr
  124. Odongo Joe Okumu
  125. Odoyo Johua Akech
  126. Odoyo Kevin Owidi
  127. Ofafa Adede Dr.
  128. Ogado Nashon Ngwena
  129. Ogeya Isaya Mbim
  130. Ogilla Philip Mugoya
  131. Ogot Joel Pro.
  132. Ogoyi Doringtone Dr. 
  133. Ogutu Enoch
  134. Ogutu Jacob Ochieng 
  135. Ogwang Eng
  136. Ogwe Jeremiah Bando
  137. Ogwe Benard Onyango
  138. Ogweno Dornald Dr.
  139. Ogweno Willis Onyango
  140. Ojijo Dan Choto
  141. Ojuang Opar
  142. Ojwang’ Harbat
  143. Ojwang’ Nesbit
  144. Okech Moses Makayoto Eng.
  145. Okeyo Ally Mwai Dr.
  146. Okeyo Bildad Fenner Ombura Dr.
  147. Okeyo Khroda Pro.
  148. Okeyo Omolo Pro.
  149. Okeyo Samson Sangoro
  150. Okiki Fred Amayo
  151. Okindo Daniel Majiwa
  152. Okoko Simon Okello
  153. Okoth Brown Olero
  154. Okoth Dan Ngoya
  155. Okoth Heys Ndede
  156. Okoth Melly
  157. Okoth Odawo Samwel
  158. Okoth Selemiah Keya Pro.
  159. Okoth Wiliam
  160. Okoto Philip
  161. Okul Erustus Omondi
  162. Okul Ng’iela Eng.
  163. Okuta George Ochieng
  164. Olero Chrisphine Shikuku
  165. Oluoch Baldwin Ochieng
  166. Oloo Seth Mbaka
  167. Oloo William Otula Hon Ombija
  168. Ombok Benjamin Ochuka
  169. Omboto John
  170. Ombura Joshua Omondi
  171. Omodho Walter
  172. Omollo Anthony Jude Were Dr.
  173. Omollo Hezbon
  174. Omolo Joseph Ogira
  175. Omolo Ongati Pro.
  176. Omollo RSC Jus.
  177. Omollo Steve Onyango
  178. Omondi Ricky Gai
  179. Omuga Collins Dr.
  180. Omuga Rounald Ngala
  181. Omuga Vincent Omondi
  182. Omulo Patrick Ochieng
  183. Omwanda Phanuel Abongo
  184. Ondiegi John Otieno
  185. Ondiek Lewis Pr.
  186. Ondiek Gaya Dr.
  187. Ondiek Zack Mbori
  188. Ondoro Androniko Mbori
  189. Ongete Soilomon Ndede
  190. Ongong'a Dedan Dr.
  191. Ongong'a Dr
  192. Onguro Elias Okoth
  193. Onoka Douglas Otieno
  194. Onyando John Otieno
  195. Onyango Carey Francis
  196. Onyango Charles Agallo
  197. Onyango George Rachuonyo
  198. Onyango Moses Nyaoke
  199. Onyango Robson Ng’wena
  200. Onyango Sam Odada
  201. Onyuka Roeline
  202. Ooro Zedekiah Owaga 
  203. Opap Fred Agolla
  204. Opap John Opiyo
  205. Opande Daniel Maj.Lt
  206. Opany Charles Jabuya
  207. Opati Origa
  208. Ope Denice Eng.
  209. Opere Joe Cap.
  210. Opere James Aguko
  211. Opiyo Bernard Ouma
  212. Opiyo Aoko Dr
  213. Opiyo Benedict Otieno
  214. Opiyo Job Nyangiya
  215. Oreyo Elly Ochieng
  216. Origa Bosco
  217. Origa Nyamwaya
  218. Origa Philimon Saka
  219. Orinda Pro.
  220. Oringi Samwel Okello
  221. Oriwa Denish Okoth
  222. Oriwa Ronny Ouma
  223. Orure Nyambok Pro.
  224. Orwa Bani Otieno Dr
  225. Orwa Magret
  226. Opundo Mike Otieno
  227. Osiemo Davis Othira
  228. Osoro Arthur
  229. Othira Odongo Dr
  230. Osiemo Omondi Othira
  231. Otiende Sam Rateng
  232. Otieno Dancan Bokela
  233. Otieno George Opundo
  234. Otieno Gerauld Kopiyo Dr.
  235. Otieno Gordon Rawago
  236. Otieno Leonard Bosco
  237. Otieno Nelson  Alloys
  238. Otieno Richard Muga Dr
  239. Otieno Samwel Bugo
  240. Otieno Tambo  Samwel  Ariya
  241. Otieno Uhuru Mbare
  242. Otieno Walter Adede
  243. Otieno Wara Ochiel
  244. Ouko Alfred Andhoga
  245. Ouko Ken Kalo
  246. Ouko Sam Mbori
  247. Ouma Atonga Eng.
  248. Ouma Collins Kopere
  249. Ouma Bernard Opiyo
  250. Ouma Dan Kopere
  251. Ouma Dan Odongo
  252. Ouma Godfrey Ochieng
  253. Ouma Philip Owidi
  254. Owala Jared
  255. Owango Robert Ogosa
  256. Owawa Elly Eng.
  257. Owida Samuel  Rogers Otieno
  258. Owino Gilbert Raball
  259. Owino Isaih Onun'ga
  260. Owino Silyvester Obuon
  261. Owour Otula
  262. Owuor Sam Acholla 
  263. Oyugi George Ochieng' 
  264. Oyugi Kenneth Kambona
  265. Oyugi Joseph Magwanga
  266. Oyugi Pheneous Otieno
  267. Oywa John
  268. Oyoo Jeckonia
  269. Rabilo Shadrack Okal
  270. Rege Edward Dr.
  271. Rege  Gordon James Eng.
  272. Siage Jeryy
  273. Siage Lameck
  274. Sipul Tom
  275. Wandiga Shem Pro
  276. Wanyanga Hezron
  277. Yotto John Eng.
  278. Yotto Mark Pro
You may kindly send us your reservations for more modifications as we depend highly on your input for the success of this important Meeting.
Thanks in advance for your time and consideration
Jamumbo Maurice Aguko Mayora Ojako
Head of the Convenning Team 


Akelo nyar Kager, jaluo@jaluo.com




GALAMORO : Riwruok mar JOLUO e Piny Ngima, orwaku uduto mondo ubed e kanyakla mar burani. Ornwa nyingi gi nondi kaka obedo. Riwruok e teko joka Nyanam. 




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