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Intellectual Property 
Enhances Corporate Monopoly and Bioserfdom

HOPE SHAND / Fatal Harvest: The Tragedy of Industrial Agriculture / Island Press Jul02

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"Intellectual property is the oil of the 21st century. Look at the richest men a hundred years ago; they all made their money extracting natural resources or moving them around. All today's richest men have made their money out of intellectual property." 
- Mark Getty, grandson of the oil magnate J. Paul Getty, had once said: 
How true?
Intellectual property therefore is being extracted on anything and everything that is worth patenting. The worldwide scramble for patents, often bordering absurdity, has been further strengthened with the unequivocal backing of international finance institutions and the academic world. The WTO has formalised the process of IPR exploitation through the TRIPS Agreement.
In this essay below, Hope Shand looks at how monopoly control over plants, animals, and other life forms jeopardizes world food security, undermines conservation and use of biological diversity, and threatens to increase the economic insecurity of farming communities.
Devinder Sharma / AgBioIndia
Twenty years ago, the concept of intellectual property was little known or discussed outside of corporate boardrooms, government patent offices, or an exclusive circle of trade negotiators.
Today, intellectual property has become a powerful tool to enhance corporate monopoly and consolidate market power. Exclusive monopoly patents are giving a steadily shrinking number of corporate "gene giants" unprecedented control over the biological basis for commercial agriculture.
Intellectual property is being used to eliminate the right of farmers to save and exchange seed and to breed their own crops. Instead of promoting innovation in agriculture, patents are stifling research and hindering
Monopoly control over plants, animals, and other life forms jeopardizes world food security, undermines conservation and use of biological diversity, and threatens to increase the economic insecurity of farming communities.
The term intellectual property (IP) refers to a group of laws -- such as patents, plant breeders' rights, copyright, trademarks, and trade secrets -- that are intended to protect inventors and artists from losing control over their intellectual creations: their ideas. Intellectual property rights are granted by a state authority for a specified time period. The inventor has the right to exclude others from making, using, or selling his/her creation and to determine under what circumstances others may use the protected idea or innovation. The types of intellectual property most relevant to plants and other life forms are patents and plant breeders' rights. Proponents of intellectual property argue that these laws promote innovation by rewarding inventors of new technologies and that IP laws are essential because a temporary monopoly enables companies to recoup their research investment.
Historically, farmers have been the primary innovators in agriculture. They have played, and continue to play, a major role in contributing to the introduction and development of crops and livestock. One hundred years ago, virtually all of the crops grown in the United States were farmer-bred varieties. In his book Unnatural Selection, Cary Fowler describes a free seed distribution program established by the U.S. government to encourage farm-based plant breeding. In 1897, when this program was at its peak, the U.S. government freely distributed 22 million packets of seeds to U.S. farmers. The goal was to utilize the ingenuity and skills of the nation's farmers in geographically diverse regions to select, breed, and multiply thousands of novel plant varieties. It was the innovation of farmers that helped to build the agricultural base of the United States.
In the 20th century the rights of farmers to freely exchange and control their genetic materials were severely eroded as plant and animal genetic resources became subject to monopoly control under evolving intellectual property laws. As outlined below, the history of intellectual property laws in the United States demonstrates the seed industry's quest to sever the age-old relationship between the farmer and the seed.
The Plant Patent Act of 1930, the first plant intellectual property law in the United States, was designed to reward the developers of asexually propagated plants (mostly flowers, fruits, and ornamentals). Food crops were intentionally excluded from coverage under the 1930 law on moral grounds, because food was considered too important to human well-being to permit monopolization. But times have changed. The past 35 years have witnessed the privatisation of plant breeding and seed sales. The seed industry, increasingly dominated by agrochemical and drug companies, began lobbying vigorously for stronger intellectual property protection for plants as a way to stimulate innovation and to create incentives for corporate breeders. In reality, plant patenting was exactly what the industry needed to privatize, through legal means, what it could not control by physical means.
In 1970, after years of seed industry lobbying, the U.S. Congress passed the Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA), a type of intellectual property designed to reward developers of new sexually reproduced plant varieties such as soybeans, wheat, cotton, and many vegetables. This breeder's rights law contained two important traditional features. It allowed plant breeders to freely use each other's protected varieties for further breeding experiments. It also permitted farmers to reuse seed from their harvests and to sell small quantities to their farm neighbors without having to pay royalties or ask permission. This was known as the Farmer's Right, or farmer's exemption.
The fundamental right of the farmer to save his or her seed for replanting was considered so important that the seed industry made assurances to Congress that no further attempts would be made to expand proprietary rights over seeds or endanger the farmer's exemption. But those promises were quickly forgotten. In 1994 the U.S. Congress delivered a crushing blow to farmers' rights when it amended the PVPA and eliminated the farmers' right to resell proprietary seed from their harvest to farm neighbors. The pattern is a familiar one. Every time plant intellectual property laws have been amended, it expands the scope of protection and the rights of corporate breeders at the expense of farmers, diversity, and society. It is clearly in the interest of those with money and power to amend any intellectual property system to strengthen their legal monopoly.
Intellectual property has been a major factor in the growth and consolidation of the U.S. biotechnology industry. In the 1980s U.S. patent laws were redefined to allow for exclusive monopoly control of all biological products and processes. Over the course of a single decade, the U.S. government took giant steps to accommodate the corporate desire to patent life:
  • In 1980 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the landmark case of Diamond v. Chakrabarty that genetically engineered microorganisms are patentable.
  • In 1985, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ruled that plants (previously protected by Plant Variety Protection laws and the Plant Patent Act) could qualify under the stronger utility patent laws.
  • In 1987, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ruled that animals are also patentable.
As a result of these decisions, virtually all living organisms in the United States, including human genetic material, became patentable subject matter, just like any other industrial invention. As one industry analyst explains:
"Since 1980 it can no longer be said that something is not patentable just because it is living. ... Biotechnology has advanced so rapidly in recent years that there is now virtually no life form which does not have the potential as the subject of patent application."
The patenting of life forms represents a radical departure from the scope of traditional intellectual property law. In addition to the basic criteria for patenting (novelty, usefulness, and nonobviousness) there is a well-established doctrine in patent law that "products of nature" are not patentable. But with the advent of genetic engineering, it did not take long to redefine what is considered human "invention" and legally patentable.
Seeds are software.  And we have the seeds.
-Alfonzo Romo Garza, CEO of Grupo Pulsar, a Mexico-based conglomerate that controls 25 percent of the global vegetable seeds market
Recent years have seen a breathtaking consolidation of power over plant genetic resources worldwide. Seed is the first link in the food chain. Whoever controls the seed controls the food supply. For companies that have combined interests in seeds and agrochemicals, the patented seed is the ideal delivery system for a package of proprietary technologies: genes and related inputs. As a result, many of the world's largest agrochemical and pharmaceutical corporations have spent billions of dollars acquiring seed and biotech companies. For example, Monsanto has spent more than $8 billion acquiring seed and biotech companies; DuPont acquired Pioneer Hi-Bred, the world's largest seed company, for $9.4 billion; Dow bought Cargill Seeds North America last year.
Today, the top 10 seed companies control almost one-third of the $24.7 billion commercial seed market. But corporate market share is much higher in specific seed sectors and for certain crops. For example:
  • Forty percent of U.S. vegetable seeds come from a single source. The top five vegetable seed companies control 75 percent of the global vegetable seed market.
  • DuPont and Monsanto together control 73 percent of the U.S. seed corn market.
  • Just four companies (Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta, Dow) control at least 47 percent of the commercial soybean seed market. An estimated 10 percent of the market is in public varieties. An estimated 25 percent of North American soybean seed is farmer-saved, not newly purchased.
  • At the end of 1998, a single company, Mississippi-based Delta & Pine Land, controlled more than 70 percent of the U.S. cottonseed market. Delta & Pine Land is perhaps best known for its notorious patent on genetic seed sterilization (aka terminator).
With the advent of genetic engineering, the Gene Giants are staking far-reaching claims of ownership over a vast array of living organisms and biological processes. As a result, fewer and fewer companies are making critical decisions about the agricultural research agenda and the future of agriculture worldwide. The power of exclusive monopoly patents is giving these companies the legal right to determine who gets access to proprietary science and at what price.
With the evolution of intellectual property laws, farmers are losing the right to use and develop plant diversity. Today, under U.S. patent law, it is illegal for farmers to save patented seed and reuse it. Why does this matter? Farmers have been selecting seeds and adapting their plants for local use for more than 200 generations. Up to 1.4 billion people in the developing world depend on farm-saved seeds as their primary seed source. Crop genetic diversity enables farmers to adapt crops suited to their own ecological needs and cultural traditions. Communities that lose traditional varieties, adapted over centuries to their needs, risk losing control of their farming systems and becoming dependent on outside sources of seeds and the inputs needed to grow and protect them. Without an agricultural system adapted to a community and its environment, self-reliance in agriculture is impossible.
When genetic engineers at Monsanto or DuPont develop a new variety of soybean, corn, or cotton, they are building on the accumulated success of generations of farmers who have selected and improved seeds for thousands of years. The companies insist that they "invented" their genetically engineered plants and that they should be rewarded with exclusive monopoly patents. In reality, corporate plant breeders are fine-tuning and modifying plants that were developed by anonymous farmers and the more recent contributions of institutional breeders.
Monsanto, the world's second largest seed company (now itself owned by Pharmacia), requires farmers -- its customers -- to sign a gene-licensing agreement before they buy the company's patented, genetically engineered seeds. The licensing agreement prohibits the farmer from reusing the seed for any reproductive purpose, even on his/her own land. If farmers are caught infringing the patent, Monsanto is "vigorously prosecuting" them in court. In some areas, Monsanto is literally policing rural communities with Pinkerton investigators -- hired detectives - to root out seed-saving farmers. The company has filed more than 475 lawsuits against farmers for patent infringement and violation of technology user agreements.
In other words, farmers are being turned into criminals, and rural communities are becoming corporate police states. The fundamental issue is control. With the advent of genetic engineering, the farmer is becoming a renter of proprietary seeds and livestock -- and he or she is losing the right to make farm-level decisions. Companies like Monsanto are attempting to dictate how farmers will farm and under what conditions. This is popularly known as "bioserfdom." The result is that food production is being taken out of the hands of independent farmers.
The economist Michael Boehlje calls it the "Wal-Marting" of American agriculture. Farmers will raise animals or grow crops according to a formula dictated by the end processors. Farmers will sign contracts that stipulate precise levels of inputs, dictating what seed, fertilizer, chemicals, row spacing, irrigation, harvesting technique, and other details will be used.
As the Gene Giants gain control over every phase of production, processing, and marketing -- from "farm to fork" -- the role of the farmer is reduced to that of a contract worker. The American farmer becomes a "renter of germplasm," rather than an independent owner-operator. There is no doubt that patents are a powerful tool to protect corporate monopoly, but they do not necessarily promote innovation. The monopolistic nature of the patent process can restrict innovation, limit competition, and thwart new discoveries. Over time, intellectual property regimes have grown into mechanisms that allow corporations (not individual inventors) to protect markets rather than ideas. In today's knowledge-based economy, intellectual property assets have surpassed physical assets such as land, machinery, or labor as the basis of corporate value. At the end of 1995, for example, the Hoechst group held 86,000 patents and patent applications. According to Dr. Richard Helmut Rupp, head of Hoechst R & D, "The most important publications for our researchers are not chemistry journals, but patent office journals around the world." The cover of Novartis's 1997 annual report boasts that the company holds more than 40,000 patents. IBM is now getting 10 new patents every working day.
Increasingly, access to new agricultural technologies is legally restricted by a complex pedigree of patented gene traits. For example, one of Pioneer Hi-Bred's genetically engineered insect-resistant corn hybrids requires access to 38 different patents controlled by 16 separate patent holders. The control of patented genes and traits has created legal barriers that make it difficult or impossible for small companies or public sector researchers to compete or gain access to new agricultural technologies.
The uncertainty and confusion over the application of patent law to living materials has resulted in immense legal battles among corporations competing for ownership of strategic genes, traits, and biological processes. Not surprisingly, the number of intellectual property lawyers in the United States is growing faster than the amount of research. In order for patents to have economic value, corporations must defend their patent claims and enforce licensing requirements. The transaction costs are enormous. The legal costs alone of obtaining a patent approach $10,000, and it typically costs $1.5 million per party to litigate a patent. Billions of dollars are being spent on legal fees, diverting resources away from agricultural research and societal needs.
Today, the battleground over intellectual property has moved to the international arena. The World Trade Organization's (WTO) rules on intellectual property obligate all member countries to implement minimum standards of IP for plant varieties and microorganisms. In the developing world, where the majority of farmers depend on farm-saved seed as their primary seed source, the notion of legal restrictions on seed saving is perceived by many as both alien and life-threatening.
IP laws require urgent societal review. Patents and plant breeders' rights are stifling the free flow of information and genetic resources that are so vital to human survival and sustainable agriculture worldwide.
Civil society organizations and some governments are campaigning actively against the patenting of life. Farmers and indigenous peoples' organizations are vocally denouncing patents which they believe threaten food security and human dignity and are predatory on their resources and knowledge. In August 2000, the United Nations Sub-Commission for the Protection of Human Rights warned that the WTO's intellectual property rules could infringe on the rights of poor people and their access to both seeds and pharmaceuticals. The 1999 United Nations' "Human Development Report" concludes that "the relentless march of intellectual property rights needs to be stopped and questioned." The future of agriculture depends on the promotion and protection of the farmer's inalienable right to save and exchange seed. If we are to reclaim agriculture, we must resist monopoly control of life. If we are to make agriculture truly sustainable, it must be built on biological and cultural diversity, not uniformity, and on democratic institutions that are people-centered, not profit-centered.
* Hope J. Shand is the research director of the ETC Group, a group dedicated to the conservation and sustainable advancement of cultural and ecological diversity and human rights.


Akelo nyar Kager, jaluo@jaluo.com








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