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Please Join the Patriotic Kenyans

From: Rwath Oduogo

Petition Created With: Petition Spot ( http://www.petitionspot.com )
To : kenyans
Petition Creation Date: 2007-07-08 14:16:06
Total Signatures Collected: 235


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Created by Robert Alai Onyango on 8 July 2007 @ 2:16:06 PM

Category: Economy & Business
Dear Kenyans

I wish to kindly request you to sign this petition so that the Kenyan government cannot sell Telkom Kenya to BT and the Libyan consortium. We want the important state corporation like Telkom Kenya to remain in th hand of Kenyans. We must no allow this to happen. We must never allow this to happen.

The government is planning to sell 40% shares of Telkom Kenya at 5.6 Billion shillings. Thats is so cheap. Telkom Kenya is not worth only 212 million dollars. Telkom Kenya is worth more than that. Please dont allow this to happen. Please never allow Telkom Kenya to have such a large chunk of shares in the hands of foreigners. We must not allow this.

Robert Alai Onyango

Petition Undersigned by:-

235 bernard ouma akinyi its unfair to leave the the assets fo the kenya government into the hands of foreigners.
234 Jennifer Njoroge Way to go guys! Its time we stopped acting like our existence depended on the foreigners being investors in Kenya. Lets take pride in our country by refusing the offer to sell telkom to foreigners, shame on those who had come up with this ridiculous and selfish idea.
232 Alex Nyagah Buy Kenya for Kenyans and Build Kenya
231 Vera Obonyo Be proud! Be Kenyan! Let's Keep Telkom Kenya, truly Kenyan!
230 Lilian Nduta Let us be proud to be Kenyans by preserving what is ours and passing it on to the future generations since we are just custodians.
229 Andrew Bolo It is Kenyan It is Ours.
228 ANN
227 Wambui
226 Johnson NO! NO! Don't sell. Inprove on the general management. I believe that's the only thing even the said buyers will have to do!!!!!!!!!
225 Benson Kimeu WE need to keep w
224 Caroll Maina If Telkom Kenya is sold to foreigners, the marginalised areas will not be accessed with telephone. Their aim will be to make profits, and if there are no returns by sending telephone lines to those areas, they would rather not do it - That is a sure way of undermining development in teh country. The goal of a private investor is to make profits, so why should they spend money where they wont make returns.
223 Paul Were We cant sell all resources and remain beggers!What is the symbol of kenyan flag? Uhuru for what?
222 Brenda A Waoh Telkom should remain a Kenyan company run by Kenyans.
221 Samuel Gichanga Telkom Kenya is Kenyan and should remain with Kenyans.
220 George Onsando
219 Maureen
218 Jimmy Onkangi We need to sell this petition so that we can get as many signatures as we can.
217 Antony Mugendi
216 Wangoe kimani Each of us Kenyans should now stand ready to be counted to fight corruption in our country.
215 puddy
214 G. K. Ogada To build Kenya you HAVE to EMPOWER Kenyans. Sell Telkom to KENYANS and not to foreign interests. Kenyans can raise the capital required.
213 Anyango Justine Our indigeneous companies should remain that way. Inefficiencies can be corrected but ownership cannot be reclaimed after transfer.
212 John Maina This sale is as suspicious as the Third Mobile License deal to Econet.
210 Rose Odengo We all have seen the effects of a foreign minority controlling huge percentages of country economies, leaving the native majorities in poverty. I believe that Kenya has the overwhelmingly huge potential to grow and cater for it's people. I don't see why we should have a foreign minority running one of our countries corporate gold mines.
209 Seko East African Nations have recently seen an influx of foreign investments go sour such as the many cases in Tanzania. Lets learn and not follow suit to all of the misfortunes we have achieved from such mismanagement and bad decision making.
208 George Yes i support this.
206 james
205 nangulu evans let`s own our properties.
204 Wambui
203 samuel stop incouraging colonialism! sell the shares to the public kenyans for chrisr sakes
202 Sam Keiru As Kenyans we are more than capable of running businesses that will turn a profit and benefit our fellow country men! Don't sell it PLEASE!!!!
201 Sylvia Noah Give Kenyans a chance!!!We should have first priority.
200 Oduor Ong'wen
199 Omondi A no is a no. Kenyans should reject this move.Jared
198 Jorge Jilavoya Telkom cannot be sold for a song. Kenyans have the fiscal capacity to own what is their own
197 USAGI After you have sold them all, what will u have left to sale when you need the money next time? Us? Beg?POLEPOLE Don't be in so much of a hurry IS IT THE END OF THE WORLD NOW?
196 ISMAEL I think this is right and more shares to go to Luos 85%
195 Oscar Gatamah
194 Joseph Wamicha Do not sell Telkom Kenya yet. Please give it a chance to grow first. Thank you.
193 Kombo Elijah Ogaro I am so frustrated...but i think it isnt over yet. Do we go to the streets or what can we do? I am working in East Asia where making calls is cheaper as compared to Kenya. Selling telkom is not the solution, the solution is change of hands from OLD FORKS TO STRATEGIC MANAGERS.
192 karimi sell it to us
191 Sophia Ndunge
190 Tony This is insane
189 caroline adhiambo Telkom Kenya has alot of unqualified and over age staff who should be retrenched so that young energetic kenyans can take over their jobs and make it a better company and the HR or employing manager should not b nepotic or tribalist. They should copy ideas from safaricom.
188 James Kabare I support this petition to not only sell TKL at a cheap price but not to Foreigners at whatever cost.
187 Denis Wahome No sale of TKL to external interests.
186 Kombo Elijah Ogaro Yes, i totally agree with other Kenyans that foreigners should not own Telkom.
185 FESTUS MARIERA We cannot sell our birthright for a pittance to one who cannot share our dreams and aspirations. Now is the time to defend the future of our beloved nation
184 jared Onyambu Let us not accept the sale of Telecom Kenya to No Foreigner. it does not matter who the foreigner is. That amounts to giving kenya CUSTOMS to foreigners. think about that.
183 Michael Kipsang Bullut
182 chris
181 shaz
180 Joseph Menya the govt is selling off parastatals at an alarming rate, whats the hurry, elections may be!
179 ken onkundi
178 James Ololo Mamboleo Kenyans have enough capital to purchase Telkom, we don't need Libya economically.
177 Willie Munyambu
176 Tony Ogao i certainly agree lookin @ the future there's untapped potential
175 moses Lets only sell a small portion only and not majority stake
174 njoroge
173 Carolyne Kwenge
172 milton omondi we kenyans have enough funds to buy the parastatal.
171 Nashon
170 Korir
168 peter odokano why is it that is only kenya that is being adviced to sell it national infrastructure to foreigner? german telcom is owned by gov, BT the same and many others. Let kenyans own it and give the gov mandate to run it through a professional body.
167 Anyango Nyindodo STOP THE SALE OF TELECOM KENYA!!!!
166 Peter N. Mirah Give kenyans first priority. We need to own what belongs to us.
165 lida What is ours, remains ours... they can't keep taking everything from us!!!
164 tony I do not support this move
163 Mutua Ndambuki
162 monica nderitu Don't sell out Telkom to Foreigners!!!
161 Ian C. Kamau
160 Victor K Mismanagement is the Key issue; why not get a third party or focused MD to run it. Look at KPLC�s improvement.
159 Wanjiku Kagira-Kargbo
158 Nick Wokabi We already lost KBL to Diageo. Now if we loose Telkom we will take the same route England has taken. Their football clubs are going by tha day, Jaguar, Rolls Royce is owned by foreigners plus many of their strategic coperations. If we loose Telkom foreigners will come offering money for our jewels like KPA KPLC KQ
157 Kenneth Mbobua We have the capacity and capability to own and run Telkom Kenya. We were coloinized once, we leant our lessons, and we are not making any more foolish mistakes. TELKOM KENYA FOR KENYA
156 Tabu Let us wake up as a Nation and protect what belongs to us. We are tired of being impoverished !!!
155 Peter Mutuku This should not be allowed. Kenyans should be given a chance to own the little infrastructure available. Take it to the NSE, as other companies have done, and let us own what is ours!
154 Anthony
153 Faith Telkom belongs to Kenyan!
152 Timothy Nandokha
151 Simon Nyabwari
150 peter kip lets not sell such a huge amount of shares
149 jim ombati dont sell it pleaaaaaaase
148 Nyakwar Adhier We must keep our main telkom within ourselves. No selling of our country's sovereignity
147 fred Please don't compromise the nation's independence with reckless sale of key national parastatal
146 Dorothy I support this. Telkom should belong to Kenyas
145 Nderitu wachira I stand to be counted...
144 Victor If we are to develop, we have to give priority to Kenyan enteprenuers first.
143 James Kariuki
142 Rosemary akoth We kenyans need Telkom more than the millins they want to sell it out for!
141 Monica Gachoka
140 Samuel Najoli The price should be upped otherwise the sale should be canceled.The taxpayer is the real owner of Telkom and should be allowed to have a say on how it should be sold
139 Duncan Muchina Kenya for Kenyans. It's high time we borrowed a leaf from countries like Botswana that protect their interests jealously for the sake of their citizens. Where are the patriotic leaders????
138 Njeri Rionge It is really getting out of hand lately with the Old Colonial Sons passing on our wealth back from where our fore fathers fought so hard to regain the power of our PEOPLE.
137 Peter Okoth We must reatin strategic paparastals in the Public Hands
136 Boniface Githinji Fully support! This company should be sold to kenyans fully.
135 tabitha mundia
134 silas agan
133 nyokabi njuguna
132 Allan If you sell all parastals to foreigners and few people in Kenya what about we, the poor, the majority? For how long are we going to be mistreated, misrepresented......
131 Mary Oyieke
130 Mercy
129 S. M. Karingi Telkom Kenya is a Kenyan company and should be sold only to Kenyans and Kenyan corporate. As a taxpayer and a Kenyan we must have a say in this.
128 George Onyango If selling Railway has not achieved any desired goal, what makes the present administration think that Telecome will achieve the goal they desirred. Let Telecom be for the generations to come. We don't have to sell our heritage for peanuts to outsiders. If the government cannot protect our heritage, then it is upon us to do so as the people of Kenya.
127 gill The government of kenya should not do this because considering the high poverty levels in our country.and the number of people who are dependant on it.so pls dont this.
126 amos mbugua that move is unfair to us the taxpayers
125 Nancy N Gateru We will not allow this menace to continue as long as we have a voice.
124 sammy njoroge Noooooooooooo
123 Eliakim Okiddy I AGREE WITH ALL OF YOU.
122 Job Ballard Kenyans are losing left right and centre look at this smartkenyan.com/index1.php?action=viewNews
121 Mutuiri Can Kenyans in diaspora buy shares in the company?
120 Joel Kimoni Let it be in our hands- KENYANS.
119 mbugua wa ndungu I have always wondered, who came up with adressing these belly hanging thugs in the parliament as 'waheshimiwa'? It ought to have been vice verser! We give these 'maharamias' their positions, they take the voters for granted. That has always been the case, well wasioheshimiwas, your days are numbered.Kenya is for all of us, and you are guaranteed that you shall not dismantle it, be it through them shady deals, instigating division and hatered, hypocracy, lies, and vice.God bless Kenya and it's people.
118 Shem Ochuodho Please dont sell Telkom Kenya
117 Evans Ogora We need a thorough analysis. Sell the corporation to Kenya investors
116 Marilyn M. Kamuru Let us get maximum value for our assets!
115 John Achokah
114 Peter Leposo
113 David Onchagwa I am against the sale of Telcom.
112 Barack Abonyo
111 lmwangi I think TKL has much more potential than this. With the right mgt and 2-3yrs, it may be worth 10times that
110 Anne Mwende David
109 Joe Njoroge Kimani With our economy on the rise, we can not afford to auction the pillers that surport it
108 ezekiel ombaso
107 Miriam Cherogony
106 richard onsongo Sell the damn company to kenyans through NSE. Kenyans have the money to buy it.
105 kabiru we need telkom if our gdp is to continue to grow,otherwise telkom u are great.
104 Lameck Siage Fellow Kenyans, let us not allow this greedy government to sell off state corporations to people who will hurt us when the old greedy dictators are long gone.
103 Patrick
102 samuel owino telkom kenya is the property of the tax payers not of the government, we need to remain with it and pass it to our grand kids as it was done to us by our fore fathers, we wount let go our only pride.
101 Maimuna Abdallah Telkom Kenya belongs to us Kenyans and we should be given the first priority and the largest control. This is our mother telecommincation organisation and we should not just loose it.You cannot just give all your household to outsiders when you have close relatives who need them.
100 Ed Ojuok TELKOM should remain 100% Kenyan owned.
99 Chege Mukuna Let Kenyans own Kenya
98 J Nzioka That would be too cheap a price
97 Kabanze
96 Racheal Wamoto
95 Lamech Oten Let us all be patriotic and save our heritage.
94 Alec Kimathi We cannot sell our own resource to foriegners. Its like selling our airport or roads. We get money from Kenyans locally and build Telkom locally. Telkom owns 60% of Safaricom and they made 12 billion shillings. That was Kenyan money made by hardworking Kenyans.
93 Eunice Muturi We're with you all the way.Telcom must remain in the hands of Kenyans.
92 Sam Mwaura You are right. Kenyans have enough cash to buy this and other corporations through IPOs. We should never allow the govt to pawn our heritage. Tujivunie kuwa wenye kenya
91 Titus
90 Grace Muchai please, if you care 4 kanya encourage local investors at all costs. It has better economic returns in the long run.
89 Crensensia The Goverment should think straight and not be driven by emotions. We need the state Corporation like Telkom and we will not allow them to take that away from us also.
88 Peter Osotsi Sell to me, I am a Kenyan and can buy the shares at the stock exchange, huh?Kenyans, remember the margaryans? Don't sell Telkom to bogus people.
87 Charles Price is too small for a company like Telkom. More importantly, lets give it to Kenyans if there are Kenyans who can buy it...
86 Joe Murithi Njeru Turnaround the company by bring in a new (kenyan) management team. Then float the shares on the Nairobi Stock Exchange. So that the company is publicly owned.
85 Irene Omari
84 Ndungi Kyalo
83 Sally Ouko I as a Kenyan feel cheated if another foreign investor will come and take one of our vital corporation, i therefore dont agree at all, telkom should be listed in the bourse instead
82 Alex Gakuru Strange Telkom has history of deliberately overpricing its services to allow others telcos head start. They had CDMA since 2000 but chose to just sit on it. This is a jewel owned by you and me and they want to give it away.Just like Uchumi if the management were good we would all buy Kenyan build Kenya!Don't sell even one of desk of our company!
81 Nzioki
80 Alex Koton Telkom should not be sold a 40% to foreigners
79 Ed Mwimbi Give power to wananchi, not foreigners!!
78 Mike Theuri
76 Esther Mckenzie
75 Jane Wafula Please don't sale telkom to foreigners, sale to Kenyans
74 muthoni hello what is this telkom thing about
73 obed Kombo TELKOM belongs to kenyans and it should be owned by us. Those rushing to sell it should stop and think before foreigners take iver kenya.
72 Nyako Mochayoji
71 tobby kombo
70 allan
69 Michael Kamunge
68 abdillahi alawy
67 Muthoni D.G Do not sell Telkom Kenya to Foreigner! It was built with Public Funds and should be returned to the Kenyans through listing at NSE. It is catastrophic enriching foreigners using shillings used by Kenyans for basic communucation, now a recognized basic human right.
66 Frederick M. Wabwaya We should not just throw away what we have. If we cannot afford it then we allow a formidable firm like the BT to buy it at a good price.
65 Cecilia
64 haggai yes I totally let it stay national soon everything will bne sold including the air we breathe in kenya lets not create another zimbabwe or nigeria oil stories lets stop this in time
63 Agnes Kariuki let's sell Telkom to Kenyans through shares. we owe it to the future generations of Kenyans.
62 Michael OTIENO Telkom Kenya belongs to Kenyans, not those imperialist parasites.
61 Etukei Ekada
60 Grace Muriuki
59 George Juma Let ours remain just that; OURS.
58 Elizabeth Thuo I believe Kenya must not lose it sovereignity. By selling Telkom Kenya to foreigners is like a fool who sell their ancestral land to strangers. Some things are priceless so let us keep our pride and worth where it belongs; Telkom Kenya must remain in the hands of Kenyans.
57 safia Abdi
56 Dickens O. Kowuor
55 Esther Kodhek Keep our heritage Telkom need to be owned by Kenyans.
54 Elizabeth Kamau Don't sell more than 10% of Telkom Kenya to foreign investors; and the 10% should be sold at the right price.
53 Jennifer Gichohi
52 carol Wanyonyi I thought we were free from
51 Godfrey Mwawasi Dont let Kenya be sold piece by piece.
49 Elizabeth Achieng Let TELKOM remain ourown
48 Evans O Onchweri Its un-acceptable!!!
47 Emily Nyindodo
46 Patrick L Okeyo I support this petition with full gear.
44 Dr Job Obonyo The government's relentless bid to slice off Kenya for the benefit of foreign multi-national corporations and Presidents (sitting
43 Charles Obewa We as Kenyans cant afford to have government which doesnt own any property like Telekom.They have sold enough not this one again. I say a big no.
42 juliet akumba whatever the case i think of the consequences
41 Nyambura National interest should come first and selling off Telkom for a song is just not in Kenya's National interst!
40 Moses Abok We were left at the red lights during the agrarian revolution, the industrial age also passed Africa from a far, now we want to let the information age pass us in broad daylight? We must be sick to let this happen, please stop all this otherwise it is like auctioning the backbone of the country. Havent you seen how much profits ICT can bring? Ask Safaricom.
39 Bob Awuor
38 rayhab gachango public utilities companies should remain in the hands of the people who use them and pay for the companies in taxes.
37 Agnes O.
36 Amos Mulievi
35 anne murugi We can also raise this money and own the company. There so many kenyans looking for investment opportunities
34 pepela
33 Redempta I think that any future development in the telecommunications industry ought to be homegrown, and that profits should be ploughed but into the Kenyan economy (as opposed to foreign economies).Let's keep this industry Kenyan by all means. We too can realise astronomical profits if given a chance. The end does not justify the means. Make a little money now is like selling our birthright for a short-term goal.That's my two cents.
32 D.WAKANYI Why should kenyan companies belong to outsiders? This trend is ridiculous.
31 Kiama Kaara Thanks for this laudable and great initiative to sensitize our people. We can no longer afford to continue the stripping of state asssets at throw away prices in the name of privatization. Kenyans must wage the defence for Telekom and refuse the dictates of the World Bank, IMF and the Neo Liberal project wheeled in collusion of sections of the Kenyan political and economic elite to rip off Kenyans. Amandla!!
30 keneth No to selling our Kenyan heritage
29 Maurie Baraza This is a very small price to pay for such a big and important cooperation, i support that the shares be sold to the public through an IPO, it is not a must that the cooperation be sold to a foreign company for it to be revived, why not give the chance to Kenyans???
28 Chris Sioni We cannot let this happen.
27 Joseph
26 Lydia Kitungulu A responsible way of Independent Kenya can attract foreign investors is the much needed show of the capacity to run our own economy. We can not allow the whole economy to be in those very hands that let us free of dependence. When can we learn that we can do it internally? I support the petition and ready to buy shares.
25 Edwin Kimani I agree that we cant sell it for a song.We need to maximise on the full potential of Telkom.
24 Maina James Kenyans have enough money to buy Telkom. There is surely no plausible reason why it should be sold to foreigners.
23 Victor
22 Amos Onyango This is a joke for Kenyan's. This can't happen-NO WAY
20 Amanda Gicharu
19 Anne Olumasayi
18 Marion Warigia It should be listed in the NSE. This is one of the strength of Kenyans.
17 Rosetta High time we are free as African and run our own country and more especially our institutions !
16 kimani too cheap i rhink it should on the range of 20b
15 becky
14 Eric Koome Marangu Do not sell telcom to foreign investors. Please
13 Gloria
12 mbaluka mativo Strictly a maximum of 10% may be sold if need be otherwise the entire company should be sold to Kenyans through listing in the NSE.
11 kevun bundi We can't let it go...
10 Fiona Ngarachu Telkom, make like Kengen and do an IPO. it works!!!
9 Ambrose Ebale hell
8 MAUREEN It should be listed in the NSE for the citizens to get a share
7 Michael Kiprotich Selling to Telkom to BT is not a bad it might increase the performs of Telkom. But Us Kenyans also we can do better we want to take part of doing that
6 pauline kenya should be owned by kenyans
5 Agnes Lusweti Kenyans should be given a chance to save this giant.
4 Denis They should list in the NSE and local kenyans to won it rather than foreigners. We shud own our own country
3 Nashon Onyalo GOK should consider this sale through NSE even if the company is making losses, the GOK should probably look for local investors to pump money in the corporation and turn it around, then apply NSE listing. We have known from the past thqat there is a lot of money in kenya and no need to through away Telkom for few pounds.
2 Samuel W.Mbugua Yes,selling to private investores is a good idea but seeling also to Kenyan compines,is something that should be tried if individual kenyan bussiness people have no money But we should stop thinking that our own is not better.While we seethat we who are out here participate in contriuting ideas which promotes advancement to economies of where we are while at home things are the opposite.
1 Fredrick Wachiaya Of course! Selling Telkom to foreigners would be catastrophical!!! No!No!No!

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