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By Leo Odera Omolo
The fourteenth Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the East African Community was held in Arusha on 27 September 2007.
The Meeting was attended by the  1st Deputy Prime Minister  of East African Community Affairs, Republic of Uganda,  and Chairperson of the Council of Ministers of the East African Community, Rt. Hon. Eriya Kategaya; the Minister for East African Co-operation,  The United Republic  of Tanzania , Hon. Dr. Ibrahim Msabaha; the Minister of Regional Integration, Republic of Burundi, Hon. Karenga Ramadhani; the Minister of Health, Republic of Rwanda, Hon. Dr. Ntawukuliryayo Jean Damascene; the Assistant Minister of East African Community, Kenya, Hon. Dr. Boni Khalwale;  and other Ministers of the EAC Partner States.
The Council received and considered the following reports: Report on the Implementation of Previous Decisions of the Council; Report of the Office of the Secretary General; Report on Sectoral Projects and Programmes; Report on Political Affairs; Report of the Activities of Other Organs of the Community; Report on the Activities of EAC Institutions; and Special Reports.
EAC Bills
The Council discussed the following Bills that are due to be tabled in the East African Legislative Assembly and referred the Bills to the EAC Sectoral Council for Legal  and Judicial Affairs for legal input:  Bill for an Act entitled the East African Science and Technology Commission Act 2007; Bill for an Act entitled the East African Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency Act 2007;  Bill for an Act entitled the East African Kiswahili Commission Act 2007; and  Bill for an Act entitled the East African Health Research Commission Act 2007, 
Establishment of EAC Institutions
The Council considered a Report of the Secretariat on the procedure for the establishment (by the Summit of Heads of State) of EAC Institutions, drawing best practices obtaining in other jurisdictions on the admission of private entities.  To this extent, the Secretariat had researched on the UN, AU, COMESA and ECOWAS practice and prepared a draft procedure for consideration by the Council. The Council referred the draft proposal to the Partner States for comments which they should submit to the Secretariat by November 2007.
Review of EAC Logo, Flag and Colours
The Council considered a Proposal for a Review of the East African Community Logo, Colours and Flag, in view of the expanded membership of the Community following the admission of Rwanda and Burundi and directed the Secretariat to expedite the process of the redesign of the EAC Logo and EAC Flag in order to accommodate the new Partner States.
EAC Re-Branding Project
The Council reviewed a Progress Report of the EAC Re-Branding Project (EAC Marketing and Publicity Strategy) which incorporates the proposed establishment of the EAC Directorate of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs. The Council commended the Secretariat for the activities undertaken in the implementation of the Council Decision of 29th November 2006 on the EAC Re-Branding Project which will be implemented under the EAC Partnership Fund. To this extent, the Council referred the EAC Re-Branding Project to the EAC Finance and Administrative Committee to consider and make recommendations on the operationalization of the EAC Re-Branding Project. In related decision, the Council   commended the Secretariat for activities undertaken since January this year in marketing and promotion of the East African Community.
EA Monetary Union
The Council reviewed progress towards the establishment of the East African Monetary Union, and also considered the Final draft Report of the Consultants on the Study on the Establishment of an East African Community Common Market which has been completed after a comprehensive consultative process. The Council adopted the final report of the Study and tasked a High Level Task Force (HLTF) to handle technical negotiations of all aspects of the Common Market Protocol as specified in Article 76 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community,
Transport and Communications
The Council of Ministers reviewed a report of the 4th Meeting of the Transport, Communications and Meteorology Sectoral Council which was held on June 4th to 7th 2007 and noted/endorsed the Sectoral Council’s recommendations, among others as follows:
On the roads sub-sector : Considered and approved the budget of USD 165,634 for the preparation and hosting of the 3rd EAC /development partners Consultative Meeting; Approved the draft schedule and the draft documents that have been developed in preparation for the 3rd Consultative Meeting; and  Decided that the 3rd Consultative Meeting be held in May 2008;    
On the East African Road Transport Development Strategy , approved the draft Terms of Reference; and directed the Secretariat to expedite the implementation of the 10 years EAC Roads’ Development Strategy Study to enable its findings be discussed at the 3rd EAC/Development Partners Consultative Meeting scheduled for May 2008. (ADB has approved the draft ToRs and given the no objection to commence the procurement process for the Study Consultants. The Study is planned to take off before the end of this year). Recommended that the launch of the construction for the Arusha - Namanga - Athi River Road be jointly done by the Heads of States of Tanzania and Kenya when the Contractors have substantially mobilized and taken possession of the sites. ( Kenya has received the no objection for negotiations and award for the works contractors and supervision consultants. Tanzania has received the no objection for negotiation and award for the supervision consultants, but awaits the no objection for the works contractors. The Secretariat on its part is finalising the recruitment of two civil engineers to support the two countries in the execution of works on the road projects).
On the Railways Sub Sector ; C onsidered the progress of the Railways Concessioning, and the implementation of the EAC Railways Development Master Plan and directed the Secretariat to expedite the procurement process for the consultant to enable the Railways Development Master Plan be finalized within the contracted timeframe. (Contract already signed and Study commenced); liaise with the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa Secretariat with a view to ensuring that the draft Interim Report of the EAC Railways Master Plan Study is presented during the Transport Conference scheduled to take place in Tunis in December 2007; andurged the Republics of Rwanda and Burundi to avail relevant information to the Master Plan Study Consultants, including among others, policy documents and business cases.  
The Council approved the following additional railway sections for consideration by the consultants in the Master Plan Study.
(i)      Kasese - Kisangani
(ii)     Gulu - Nimule - Juba
(iii)     Lamu - Garissa - Juba
(iv)      Garissa - Addis Ababa
(v)      Liganga - Mchuchuma - Mtwara
(vi)    Mchuchuma - Mbambay
(vii)   Liganga -Mlimba
(viii)  Dar es Salaam - Mtwara
(ix)    Branch from Isaka - Kigali
(x)     Branch from Isaka - Kigali to Biharamulo - Bukoba - Masaka
(xi)    Tunduma - Sumbawanga - Mpanda - Kigoma
(xii)   Uvinza - Bujumbura
(xiii)  Bagamoyo Port - Kidomole
(xiv)  Pakwach - Juba - Wau (Uganda/Sudan);
On the Civil Aviation Sub Sector :  considered the progress of the EAC Civil Aviation Safety Project, the progress in the promulgation of the revised Civil Aviation (Safety) Regulations, the development of the technical guidance materials for the implementation of the revised regulations, the establishment of the East African Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency (CASSOA), the implementation of the studies in the sub sector including the Global Navigation Satellite System and the Unified Upper Flight Information Region and the repayment of the European Investment Bank Loan.
In among other decisions, the Council decided that the Secretariat undertakes an assessment mission for the facilities and logistical arrangements by Uganda for hosting the CASSOA. (Uganda is in the final process of concluding the arrangements for hosting CASSOA after which it will formally invite the assessment mission from the Secretariat ) ; decided that the promulgated Civil Aviation Safety Regulations are formally launched for application in the region with full compliance achieved by 31 st January 2008. (Partner States ( Kenya , Uganda and Tanzania with the assistance of CASSOA are finalising arrangements for compliance with this directive. Arrangements are on to assist Burundi and Rwanda to revise their regulations in line with those already approved for other EAC Partner States );decided that the upgrading of the facilities at the Karume Airport - Pemba be prioritised for implementation within the development of a coastal tourism circuit in the region and appreciated the support of ADB in this regard. (The Bank has in principle agreed to consider the proposal subject to a formal request from the Ministry of Finance of Tanzania under ADF 10 Resources).
In the Maritime Sub Sector ,  considered the progress on the finalisation of the Lake Victoria Transport Bill and the recommendations of the first meeting of the Heads of EAC Port Authorities; directed the Secretariat to ensure that the Projects and Programmes being co-ordinated by the Lake Victoria Basin Commission with Infrastructure components be reported on at the Sectoral Council on Transport, Communications and Meteorology;  and  directed the Secretariat to include Lake Tanganyika in the regional projects on hydrographic surveys and charting.
On the Communications Sub Sector ; urged the Partner States to expedite the development of EASSy project , taking into account the understandings reached by June 2007; support backhaul initiatives; and          fully participate at the planned meeting of 23 countries on the matter of the Broadband Networks scheduled to take place in June 2007 in Malawi; took note of the ITU assistance in developing the Implementation Framework for the East African Communications Broadband ICT Network; directed the Secretariat to follow up on the ITU support and finalise the Framework by March 2008  ; took note of the interest of Tanzania to host the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre; directed the Secretariat to convene a joint meeting of legal, communications, meteorology experts scheduled for 27 October 2007 to consider the revised Draft MoU.
On the Meteorology Sub Sector , directed the Secretariat to expedite the execution of the Meteorological `Study on enhancing capacities of the Meteorological Services in support of sustainable development in the EAC Region and to seek further funding for the other priority projects of the sub sector. (Study consultants have been contracted and Study has commenced. Secretariat following on possible funding for the other projects ); approved that the Secretariat in collaboration with the Heads of Meteorological Services engage with a view to hosting the Organization’s Data Centre in the region and seeking assistance in capacity building on the use of the data.; and directed that the draft MoU on cooperation in Meteorological Services be considered at the fifth meeting of the Sectoral Council on Transport, Communications and Meteorology.

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Akelo nyar Kager, jaluo@jaluo.com









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