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RE: Why I will be Voting The Pentagon and ODM

From: zajode2002@ . . .

Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 02:29:03 -0700

Kenya got her independence over 40 years ago, but freedom has never been experienced by the majority of us. We have been robbed, tomented and disgraced. In my view, as a man who has faced these tribulations, in my belief, as one who has not only saw the struggle, but taken part in it, with these scars that cannot be erased from my mind, and the pain that my grandfather died with, I cannot ever vote another conformist...Not if it were my brother.

I want a kenya that will be economical, cheap enough, simple, with high value for life, freedom of speech, respect for our laws, cultures and religions. A kenya that undestands the needs of every man woman and child. A kenya where everyone will have the opporttunity to grow independently. A kenya devoid of tribalism , nepotisn, friendocracy, and grabiosis. I want a kenya where every one is a kenyan, and I believe all of us are dreaming and salivating for that Kenya. But the man who will lead us to that Kenya is not one man, one man cannot, it is a team. It is a team of likeminded natioalists representing the true Kenya. A team with style and passion for the people, a team that respects the law, a team that believes in the values of humanity. I want to elect the peoples representative, a servant, prooven over time. I want a people with a true vision. My grandfather died a poor death. He fought for this nation, and not one book will ever mention his name, he came back home and his land was no more, was life always so?

This is one reason a conformist will never deliver. I will vote for the Pentagon. I will fight for the rights of our children, and when your children and mine meet, they will be happy, with good education and an affordable country. President Kibaki was voted in to do this...To fight corruption and to defend the constitution of our nation five years later, we do not have the constitutional structure to defend the rights of our people. five years on my countrymen, corruption is at its worst, worse than in President Moi's Reign, and who is that who gives the incumbent advice on how to run the country? The One we said No! to only five years ago?

If you are over 25, and have not been asked for a bribe at one time in your life, then be very afraid. Be very afraid because when that bribe comes your way, it will be the biggest you will ever pay. It is called corruption! It is the base to which president Kibaki was elected. To date, Kenya is still among the worlds top 10 Nations where corruption is still a big dearth to development. The commitment to fight corruption has been eroded by a design to accumulate wealth and concentrate among very few people in order that leadership can remain in the hands of bourgeoisie. The Kibaki leadership cannot be dismissed as a "no use reign" Indeed, there have been developments, but the lack of structure to widespread and devolve this development has lead to the general failure of that government.

The transport infrastructure has lead to the exit of many companies in the country. Thousands of job cuts have occurred during Mr. Kibaki's Reign leading to more corruption, and crime. True to the saying and evidence, Joblessness is the number one cause of crime. What are the pertinent needs of Kenyans now? Economic and social security, which this government has failed to provide. Can they now promise that we should trust them a second time if they failed us the first time. With economic crimes compounding and the arrogant leaders in power vomiting on the citizen's Shoes, is the Kenyan's memory as short as a goldfish's?

Kibaki's strategy is to hide all those people that have caused many Kenyans sleepless nights behind him as he propels new people into the limelight with the hope that no one will notice Anglo leasing ghost, or the Goldenberg inquiry which ate into the Kenyan pocket millions of shillings without producing results; and the many other inquiries that never produced results. Will we ever forget the five per cent Safaricom shares that was transferred to this strange office less, and director less company called mobitelea.

If you feel the weight of the extra money you have to pay for transport, food, rent, power, water, and clothing, then you may just be ready for that change all of us want. The economy may have grown, but the money does not flow; the corruption might have been dealt with but the corrupt still perpetuate their corrupt practices, leadership might have changed but the leaders are the same. When will we have real pan Africanists, real people who are interested in the welfare of real people?

The worst mistake that President Kibaki, The president of Kenya has done is the move away from the western world towards the eastern. China we know destroyed the battery industry in this country, the electronics, clothing and other allied industry by bringing in cheap and substandard goods. China is not yet ready for Kenyan goods, and we have been making most of our foreign income from the west which is more open to our products, the question is, where is the stand of Kenya in the univocal world. When are we going to have a foreign policy that will endeavor to bring peace in our region, creating stability, and economic sustainability for the 100 million plus population of east Africa ? As we know, the east African community is still fragile and amorphous with the cronism of the Kenyan leadership threatening its fast growth. We need to change all this now to create a better nation for our children.

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RE: Why I will be Voting The Pentagon and ODM

singoei abe wrote:

Very impressive arguments guys... We all need to reflect on the issues raised by Githaiga and Wathier. Am sure that beyond the noise and din, we will lay hold of the truth, and give it to the people... For when the mind's eye rests on objects illuminated by truth and reality; it understands and comprehends them, and functions intelligently, but when it turns to the twilight world of decay, it can only form opinions,its vision is confused and its beliefs shifting, and it seems to lack intelligence (Plato, Republic)... Its about time for our country to leave the twilight zone once and for all, and gaze at the light of truth; the glorious Kenya that should have been.

Korir Sing'Oei


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