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Mon, 28 Jan 2008 09:30:58  

Kisumu - Ground Zero

Hallo Robert,

I read your article with a very serious sober consideration, indeed you drove the point home. What we as Kenyans needs is a new constitutions to check and balance the executive powers, more importantly to devolve the political and economical activities to the districts level. This will eliminate the tribal factor in our politics and social economical activities, unfortunately our old politicians have been resisting this type of change all a long.

The current wave of violence is as a result of post-Independence mis-management of the late Kenyatta's regime on issues regarding the re-location of land to rightful owners after the white farmers left, instead the said regimes grabbed the land from the Gikuyus in Central Province shifted them to Rift Valley as squatters, then broke ranks with the Late Jaramogi and late Kaggie, who had wanted to have all the white highland re-allocated to rightful owners before settling a particular tribe against the wish of the people.

The other major issues is the gap between the poor and the rich, the horrible slums lives and the mistreatment of minority ethnic groups, all these can be solved under a new constitutions of Jimbo systems which is in Bomas Draft.

I strongly believe that we can reverse the tread by revisiting the land issues and many other past social and economical injustice, after Kibaki resigned and a re-run of general election is done.

Many young Kenyans are too bitter and desperately want change, therefore what Koffi Annan is addressing may not fit their expectation if at all he does not read our past social and economical injustice.

Kibaki and Raila may want to settle score by pleasing the world in signing a certain agreement but the young Kenyans born landless in Banana area in Kiambu, a Kalenjin who knows so well that his ancestors land was grabbed by an outsider without compensation, a Maasai who sees the tourists coming and going, but yet still live in absolute poverty, a Luo has the lake but does not benefit from fish industry since all the plants are in Thika, a Mijikenda who have the port and coastal touristic world class hotels but still remain the poorest, the list is too long, to mention all. If these are not addressed then we must be ready for the worse still.

I trust we all want to have Kenyan back on the track but we must also be realistic this time ! (unedited)

      - Jadolo


Robert wrote:



william wrote:

People talk. Yes we will listen. Remember one thing brethren, we are dealing with someone who knows no peace. An imposer!! Why on earth are people feeling that Raila should be the one to initiate peace? He was offended and at this point everyone in the whole world knows who the offender is, Kibaki must just resign.

Intelligent Kenyans have talked e.g the likes of Wangari Mathai, they see things the same way we see it. Yes, Mr. Kenya One, you may be in Ngumo where you said the situation is appalling because you stay next to Kibera where the worst is going on and there fore begs for peace because you spotted Raila and Ida somewhere in South Africa! Let me tell you something my friend, a journey to freedom is never to easy. It is a long journey. Raila has done his part, he has been through all kinds of humiliations just to see that democracy prevailed in Kenya, Mr Kenya one, do you know how much Kibera guys have suffered throughout their entire life when you have been just in Ngumo probably lavishing in comfort. Don't be selfish!

Some of us are out of the country as you said and are behind the comforts of a computer and keeping long distance, that is the reason why we must fight to the last degree. We want to be back home. Most Kenyans keep out of their country because of economic reasons. They can't get it from their country which is suppose to be providing for them! Tell me, have you ever heard Moi's kids go stay out of the country? how about Kenyatta's kids? and all those thieves we harbor in the country. Some of us have struggled to ensure democracy is brought to Kenyans in different forms even though we might be away. Raila is right to do whatever he is doing. He has been robbed and the robbing was never done intelligently. We have to help him get it back. So my friend if you feel offended and do not wanna participate in this forum, keep off or take the back seat an sniff the coffee and remember to join us when we bring victory home!!!Peace. It is the Kenyans and not Raila talking. This time they just said NO to this BS!

Salim wrote:

I concur with this position. Two wrongs don't make a right. Let's have voices of reason my dear Brothers esp. at these trying moments.

From: Dave
Monday, January 21, 2008 12:21 PM

Kenya One:

Yes, behind the comfort of a computer and miles away from GROUND ZERO, "talk is cheap"...

I stand to be corrected, but a good portion of recipients of this email are in the age group 18-45.

It is we who stand to loose most once Kenya is reduced to ashes. Let us show KIBAKI & RAILA that we can talk to each other and NOT at each other regardless of the GROSS INJUSTICE that the Kenyan populace has been subjected to in the recent past.

In spite of the pain and emotions that we are all suffering into the fourth week now, let us choose a THIRD DIMENSION since hatred begets hatred and violence begets violence: PEACE & JUSTICE...

Kenya is made up of more 42 communities. Let us accept UNITY in DIVERSITY. In making public appointments we must remember that there may be a member of the Ilchamus or Pokot community who has a Masters Degree or PhD for that matter and deserves an opportunity to head Kenya Airports Authorty or Kenya Tourism Board or even the Central Bank of Kenya!!!

To PNU apologists - The world's verdict is that the 2007 election was RIGGED. All those of us in this group let us be humble ourselves and call a spade a spade.

To ODM apologists - Two wrongs do not make a right.

Let us advovate for a truce as we ground our hopes in international mediation efforts to be continued this week under the stewardship of Kofi Annan to resolve this HORRIBLE political impasse never experienced before in our beloved country. Burning women and children in churches will NOT reverse the rigging of the December 27th election.



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