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Kibaki, Mugabe and the rest of African dictators are a disgrace to the black community

Fellow Kenyans,

The problem now is not luos against Kikuyus, or Kalenjins against Kikuyus. The problem we do have is just some fellow blacks like Kibaki does not get it. He Kibaki got over 90% of Nyanza votes in the year 2002, he was a kikuyu and he is still a kikuyu his tribe has not changed. So during Kibaki`s 5 years as kenya president, how many times did he visited nyanza?. How many nyanza students got government scholarships to study a broad?. How many new projects were implemented in naynza during the 5 years of Kibaki`s presidency?. Can some parrot give us those answers to those few questions I have raised?. Then came this 27.12.2007 election, he was judged by his performance, he did not deliver so people refused to vote for him. This did not only happen in Nyanza, but all a cross the country except central province. So out of 8 province he wants to be a president because he got Kikuyus votes. Is he not creating hatred already?.

The other thing Kibaki is not getting is peace, this man Kibaki does not know the meaning of peace. He thinks that if GSU, Police and army are on the road and towns, then there is peace, or so long as there are no demonstrations or violence then there is peace. If Kibaki wants to prove me wrong, let him pull out the GSU or policemen from the streets and see how the monster is ready to blow fire from its guts, or if he is right them there will be peace even without all those lorries carrying the GSU. Another stupid thing the Kibaki governments and advicers is doing is that they are not using multitribal GSU or policemen in controlling the violences in the opposition areas. Infact they are using almost the GSU who hate those ODM supporters and killing the demonstrators in KISUMU, ELDORET, MOMBASA, KAKAMEGA etc. So where does this leave or lead us to?. Constant hatred and agility to revange once the oppressed gets the opportunity. It is also sad for people to say these words, SWEET JESUS GIVE ME TEARS TO CRY FOR MY COUNTRY by Mutuma Muthiu without really talking about how this present event should be avoided in the future. Why does even a nation journalist keep on beating about the bush?. With the score of deaths from live bullets fired by GSU, POLICEMEN in Kisumu, Eldoret, people will not forget no matter who become the next president. I do propose that this dictator Kibaki should use a MULTITRIBAL GSU or POLICEMEN, unless he wants to tell us that all Kenyan GSU and police men are members of his Kikuyu tribe.

In Kenya we do have over 40 tribes, we have had over 44 years since idependence, has any of these tribes sat down together to really see where we are heading to?. Does all these tribes want to be included in the umbrella called Kenya anymore?. Or they are forced to?. The umbrella (Kenya) where people like Kalonzo speaks for change before election and now he is rushing to be vice president in a system he himself called before election as faulty and not good, he even promised people change if he wins the presidency.(DOES ANYBODY KNOWS WHERE THE BOMAS DRAFT WENT TO? Infact it is the only document where all tribes gave their opinion.)

Why should Kibaki use force to rule people?. Mutuma Muthiu wrote some good words:, like, if Raila gets the presidency then another 4 million kenyans who voted for Kibaki will be dissatisfied and start what the ODM supporters has been doing. So if Mr. Mutuma is correct with his words then I do think it is Mr. Raila Odinga, who is having the best solution for our country. Raila Odinga is for Majimboism or autonomy, and for the decentralisation of power from the president to the people. So why is Kibaki and his relatives around him can`t accept this?. Forgive me for calling some people Kibaki relatives or tribes men. I am using this word because after the 27.12.2007 election when kibaki was sworn in as president all the people who were present and who sworn him in were members of only Kikuyu tribe. Where were other tribes if he Kibaki is claiming to be a national president. I did not even hear our national anthem. So people who are educated as Mutuma should tell the truth when giving their opinion on a national paper. Another thing is, he Kibaki did not wait for 72 hours to pass after KIVUITU announced him the winner as our constitution demands, because within those 72 hours the opposition should file complain if they are not satisfied with the results. Kibaki just took arms and made himself the president without following the Kenyan law. We are talking about somebody who has broken the law, who actually should be punished instead of being congratulated. So please people who are speaking pro Kibaki, check into your soul to really know what you are speaking about and do not call God`S NAME IN VAN, REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED TO SODOM AND GOMORA .The reconciliation people need now will not be solved by this Kibaki government. Let all Kenyans not be cheated that Kibaki will solve the problem we face today. Kenyan tribes including Kikuyus also do not want to be dominated by another tribe, if the Kikuyus does not get it then I am very much sorry for them. Just look at how all the MPs or Ministers from other tribes who were campaining for Kibaki were voted out, doesn`t that ring a bell?. The government of national unity is also another rubbish and a waist of time, economy and very retrogressive, we need to go forward not backward. If they were planning a government of national unity; WHY DID PEOPLE GO FOR ELECTION IN THE FIRST PLACE?. If Kibaki was a japanese, he would have commited suicide when almost all his ministers were voted out. How can he claim to be very good and all people around him have been rejected or is he senile?

Paul Nyandoto.



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